Choice Online University Massage Therapy Description Overview

500 Hour Massage Therapy Certificate Program
COU is now offering students a 500 hour certification program in Massage Therapy using Choice Online University™ curriculum that is created to be educational, challenging, and exciting for the students. The program curriculum is developed with a dual approach in mind. Training will be in-class study lectures relating to various subjects meeting State Massage Board requirements and certifications. During the study lectures, the students will be using the Choice Online University™ Management System which will allow them to learn, study, review, and test the body of knowledge of massage therapy. This program includes the following:
· 39 web-based interactive Massage Therapy courses compliant with the National Certification Board Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB), along with course completion certificates.
· 2,200 web-based test questions by category. This e-testing is in support of passing the NCBTMB, Mblex, and NCETM Massage Therapy Certification (Simulated Practice Test and Timed Final tests)
· 29 Animated Muscle Tutorials with video clips, audio, and study quizzes for each section. Students will have the ability to print out questions and answers results.
· 7 Massage Therapy Skeletal Audio Tutorials.
· 153 Muscle Flash Cards.
· 145+ Muscle Color Book
Massage Therapy training handouts, illustrations, support notes, and exercise sheets for each course available within the program with ability to print out or export. To be used by students and instructors.
This program is available at two convenient locations and session times for students who need that flexibility. LMT Apprenticeship™ programs, and Choice Online University CE courses are also available.
COU Massage Therapy Objectives
It is the goal of the Choice Online University to provide schools, colleges, instructors, and students, alike, with a comprehensive Massage Therapy curriculum designed to blend the following elements:
· Develop knowledge and understanding of the scientific studies of Human Anatomy and Physiology, Kinesiology, Massage History and Development, Pathology, Contraindications, Areas of Caution, Benefits and Effects of Massage, Ethics, Laws, and Regulations, Client Assessments and Treatment Planning, and more, all delivered online.
· Acquire skills in theory and practice of different disciplines of massage therapy, and allied modalities.
· Achieve an understanding of the benefit and limitations of massage therapy. When necessary, refer patients/client to other practitioners.
· Teach the business skills necessary to either work as an employee or successfully operate a massage therapy practice.
· Foster respect and concern for the client by understanding the professional boundaries and ethics; and develop skills in interpersonal communication and draping.
· Encourage students to be aware of client/patient care as well as self-care which include proper movement during massage. Promote safety, longevity and prevent injury to ultimately serve the public with the highest quality of health care "Massage".
· Student Clinic - Applying all skills and knowledge while working with members of the public in a supervised setting.
· Guidelines for Professional Practice - Gain knowledge, confidence, and practical skills necessary to practice massage therapy in the workplace, as well as self-employment
COU Massage Therapy Program Benefits
Student Benefits
Many benefits are listed below that will assist you in the success of learning the massage therapy field while making studying that much easier and interactive.
A Complete Learning, study, Review, and Certification Exam Prep Package
Student has access to 39 Online Interactive Massage Therapy Training Courses, as well as, 150+ Muscle Groups including Muscular System Study Guide, Interactive, Tutorials, Animations, Videos, Voice Narrative, Muscle Study Guide, Skeletal Systems, Physiology, Anatomy and Physiology. Each course has the ability to print out certificate of completion, multiple Learning Hand-outs, Support Notes, and Exercise Sheets.
Student also has access to 19 subjects and 13 simulated finals. This will assist you in reviewing your skills and knowledge already acquired through your massage training institute and finally put your skills to the test.
You will have several attempts to answer the questions and then receive instant feedback from your choices. You can take as much time as you need to complete each section.
This curriculum and Certification Exam Prep Modules are in a real Learning Management System (LMS).
Simulated Certification exams
The Certification exam Preparation of Choice Online University Environment is web-based Learning Management System. The interface of our test prep questions closely mirrors your actual certification exams. this experience helps students get over test taking anxiety.
Available 24/7/365
Choice Online University is always on. you can study During school hours, as well as your schedule permits.
Instant Feedback / Leave and Resume Later
Immediately see a report of missed questions and correct answers to improve your weaknesses in the Exam and Final Exam modes.
You can also stop in the middle of the Program and resume where you left off for your convenience.
Practice Modules
Allows you to receive immediate feedback on every question. The objective of this exam mode is for first-time users to become familiar with massage therapy knowledge.
Exam Modules
Intended for intermediate study once practice modules are completed. Study guide review feedback is given at end of exam. Re-take as often as you'd like to improve scores.
Check Transcripts
Student receives complete scores for their records in a transcript-style report that includes Courses enrolled, progression, Grade scale, and completion Date/Time.
Preview Modules
Student can use Catalog function to quickly review the summaries and learning objectives of each course.
Flexible Course
Enrollment Student can choose to either register for one course or multiple courses at a time. massage schools can also register Courses for their students.
Re-Take as Often as You'd Like
Students can re-take all the modules for additional Preparation and improve scores.
Update Your Information
Update your own personal information in the Learning Management System by using the "My Profile" link
COU Massage Therapy Program - Who should attend?
Qualified students must be at least 18 years of age have received a high school diploma or Graduate Equivalency Diploma (G.E.D.); have completed a course of study at a Board Certified Massage School or state approved apprenticeship programs; must pass the Massage State and/or National Certification Examination; must have completed a 2-hour course on the prevention of medical errors; and submit an application and fee for licensure as a massage therapist.
COU is now offering students a 500 hour certification program in Massage Therapy using Choice Online University™ curriculum that is created to be educational, challenging, and exciting for the students. The program curriculum is developed with a dual approach in mind. Training will be in-class study lectures relating to various subjects meeting State Massage Board requirements and certifications. During the study lectures, the students will be using the Choice Online University™ Management System which will allow them to learn, study, review, and test the body of knowledge of massage therapy. This program includes the following:
· 39 web-based interactive Massage Therapy courses compliant with the National Certification Board Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB), along with course completion certificates.
· 2,200 web-based test questions by category. This e-testing is in support of passing the NCBTMB, Mblex, and NCETM Massage Therapy Certification (Simulated Practice Test and Timed Final tests)
· 29 Animated Muscle Tutorials with video clips, audio, and study quizzes for each section. Students will have the ability to print out questions and answers results.
· 7 Massage Therapy Skeletal Audio Tutorials.
· 153 Muscle Flash Cards.
· 145+ Muscle Color Book
Massage Therapy training handouts, illustrations, support notes, and exercise sheets for each course available within the program with ability to print out or export. To be used by students and instructors.
This program is available at two convenient locations and session times for students who need that flexibility. LMT Apprenticeship™ programs, and Choice Online University CE courses are also available.
COU Massage Therapy Objectives
It is the goal of the Choice Online University to provide schools, colleges, instructors, and students, alike, with a comprehensive Massage Therapy curriculum designed to blend the following elements:
· Develop knowledge and understanding of the scientific studies of Human Anatomy and Physiology, Kinesiology, Massage History and Development, Pathology, Contraindications, Areas of Caution, Benefits and Effects of Massage, Ethics, Laws, and Regulations, Client Assessments and Treatment Planning, and more, all delivered online.
· Acquire skills in theory and practice of different disciplines of massage therapy, and allied modalities.
· Achieve an understanding of the benefit and limitations of massage therapy. When necessary, refer patients/client to other practitioners.
· Teach the business skills necessary to either work as an employee or successfully operate a massage therapy practice.
· Foster respect and concern for the client by understanding the professional boundaries and ethics; and develop skills in interpersonal communication and draping.
· Encourage students to be aware of client/patient care as well as self-care which include proper movement during massage. Promote safety, longevity and prevent injury to ultimately serve the public with the highest quality of health care "Massage".
· Student Clinic - Applying all skills and knowledge while working with members of the public in a supervised setting.
· Guidelines for Professional Practice - Gain knowledge, confidence, and practical skills necessary to practice massage therapy in the workplace, as well as self-employment
COU Massage Therapy Program Benefits
Student Benefits
Many benefits are listed below that will assist you in the success of learning the massage therapy field while making studying that much easier and interactive.
A Complete Learning, study, Review, and Certification Exam Prep Package
Student has access to 39 Online Interactive Massage Therapy Training Courses, as well as, 150+ Muscle Groups including Muscular System Study Guide, Interactive, Tutorials, Animations, Videos, Voice Narrative, Muscle Study Guide, Skeletal Systems, Physiology, Anatomy and Physiology. Each course has the ability to print out certificate of completion, multiple Learning Hand-outs, Support Notes, and Exercise Sheets.
Student also has access to 19 subjects and 13 simulated finals. This will assist you in reviewing your skills and knowledge already acquired through your massage training institute and finally put your skills to the test.
You will have several attempts to answer the questions and then receive instant feedback from your choices. You can take as much time as you need to complete each section.
This curriculum and Certification Exam Prep Modules are in a real Learning Management System (LMS).
Simulated Certification exams
The Certification exam Preparation of Choice Online University Environment is web-based Learning Management System. The interface of our test prep questions closely mirrors your actual certification exams. this experience helps students get over test taking anxiety.
Available 24/7/365
Choice Online University is always on. you can study During school hours, as well as your schedule permits.
Instant Feedback / Leave and Resume Later
Immediately see a report of missed questions and correct answers to improve your weaknesses in the Exam and Final Exam modes.
You can also stop in the middle of the Program and resume where you left off for your convenience.
Practice Modules
Allows you to receive immediate feedback on every question. The objective of this exam mode is for first-time users to become familiar with massage therapy knowledge.
Exam Modules
Intended for intermediate study once practice modules are completed. Study guide review feedback is given at end of exam. Re-take as often as you'd like to improve scores.
Check Transcripts
Student receives complete scores for their records in a transcript-style report that includes Courses enrolled, progression, Grade scale, and completion Date/Time.
Preview Modules
Student can use Catalog function to quickly review the summaries and learning objectives of each course.
Flexible Course
Enrollment Student can choose to either register for one course or multiple courses at a time. massage schools can also register Courses for their students.
Re-Take as Often as You'd Like
Students can re-take all the modules for additional Preparation and improve scores.
Update Your Information
Update your own personal information in the Learning Management System by using the "My Profile" link
COU Massage Therapy Program - Who should attend?
Qualified students must be at least 18 years of age have received a high school diploma or Graduate Equivalency Diploma (G.E.D.); have completed a course of study at a Board Certified Massage School or state approved apprenticeship programs; must pass the Massage State and/or National Certification Examination; must have completed a 2-hour course on the prevention of medical errors; and submit an application and fee for licensure as a massage therapist.
" There is a wonderful mythical law of nature that the three things we crave most in life; happiness, freedom, and peace of mind, are always attained by giving them to someone else" - - - Peyton Conway March